“A person with a positive attitude is like a fruit of all seasons, always welcomed.”

A child which close and nurturing bonds with his parents, peer and society learns various skills that include positive attitude backed up with trust, self-reliance, compassion and confidence.
As a Director of personally feel one of the responsibilities of a school that i foresee is to make a child’s learning effective studying with equal focus on child’s overall development and well-being.
Schools especially Teachers and Principal act as great support system for their pupils as they teach, guide and motivate them in the best possible way. A Child, thus, in course of her academic achievement phase of School’s life must be dealt tactfully creating a positive impact on tender mind. We must make a child first feel confident and prepared for learning. With a secured feeling, then it just require the right push. Besides our reinforcement positive relationship between him/her and us. Such relaxing technique should be resulting in making a learner happy, light headed, relaxed so that his mind is more receptive.

SWASTIK INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Bara, Bikram, Patna with the avowed mission to make this school a centre of vibrant learning and excellence, in a pleasant and attractive environment, with up-to-date facilities, teaching aids, and of course, a competent staff in all respects that our children require in order for them to achieve the full growth of their Intent potentials, is moving up hill on its journey. This school cannot flourish merely on its own resources. It needs the support of its alumni, friends and parents to ass capacity to keeps up with the times. May God continue to bless the School and all those associated with it now and the years to come.

Lusi Singh